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“and we

give express charge, that in our marches through the

country, there be nothing compelled from the

villages, nothing taken but paid for, none of the

French upbraided or abused in disdainful language;

for when lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom, the

gentler gamester is the soonest winner.”

~ King Henry V, “History of Henry V” (1598)

Code of Conduct and Safety


The Play’s the Thing LRP is an 18+ game that may contain themes of violence and murder, sex and sexuality, gender roles (and breaking out of them), romantic roleplay/”ballgowning”, in-character alcohol usage/abuse and addiction, magical manipulation and mind-control (potentially including “love potions”), monarchy and classism, family, revenge, betrayal, madness/mental illness, disguises and lies, marriage, miscommunication, war, faith/religion, witchcraft and faeries, threats and blackmail, profanity/swearing, and other sensitive or adult themes that are found in the works of Shakespeare.


If at any point you are uncomfortable or wish to disengage with ongoing roleplay, you can do so. You do not need to give any explanation - you can either use one of the OC safety calls or, for a non-verbal alternative, simply raise a hand in the air and remove yourself from the situation. If somebody uses an OC safety call or leaves the area, please do not follow them or demand an explanation. If you wish to raise a safety concern, please approach any ‘stage manager’ (ref) or a Mental Health First Aider. We will ensure that all safety or conduct concerns are immediately addressed and take all reports and feedback seriously. Dangerous or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated.


If you are engaging with particularly intense or sensitive themes or roleplay elements and have any doubts as to other players’ (or crew’s) comfort, please check in with them out-of-character before pursuing this line of e.g. conflict or romance roleplay any further.


Discrimination, bullying or harassment for any out-of-character characteristic will not be tolerated. This includes racism, ableism, sexism, transphobia, ageism, homophobia, biphobia, or any other unacceptable -ism against the characteristics of any players or crew. Likewise, sexual harassment will not be tolerated. Serious offenders will be asked to leave the site immediately. Do not interfere with another participant’s personal belongings, medications or mobility aids.


The game being rooted in 16th and 17th century theatre does lend itself towards some less progressive in-character elements/themes, such as some expectations of gendered roles and inherent power dynamics in monarchy and in-character class divides. However, these should be handled carefully, and only rooted in in-character roleplay that all parties consent to, entirely based in the characters and not on out-of-character features; nobody should be e.g. perpetrating misogyny or slut-shaming in a way that is distressing to someone else out-of-character or diminishes their enjoyment of the game. If in doubt, DON’T.


Additionally, although the original works are over 400 years old, there are no barriers as to who can play which roles - anyone of any gender can play any character (and there will be no transphobia tolerated; this is not an acceptable theme of roleplay), and anyone from any background can play any role (with the caveat that Othello is a pre-cast NPC role being played by a crew member with Afro-Caribbean heritage, and no racism of any kind will be tolerated either in or out of character).


None of the following are acceptable: “I was drunk”, “I was only joking”, “Shakespeare used that slur”, or any similar “excuse”. No references to rape, sexual assault or child abuse are permitted in the game, including in storytelling, songs or “jokes”. No means no, and we will take action to protect our players and crew from any forms of abuse and unacceptable behaviour. Alcohol is permitted at The Play’s The Thing LRP, provided it is consumed in moderation, and that you do not engage in combat whilst intoxicated. Illegal drugs are not permitted, and if found to have brought illegal substances to the event you will be asked to leave the site immediately.


You can always simply put a hand in the air and say “OC: [whatever you need to note out-of-character]” if needed. However, the following phrases can be used in game to either escalate or de-escalate roleplay or combat encounters accordingly, and can be used by any player or crew member as required:


“Once More, With Feeling!” - this is the call to indicate that you wish to escalate the scenario you’re in - whether this is goading an enemy in a combat encounter or proposing to dial up the heat in a flirtatious conversation. If the other party consents to escalate, they should echo the same phrase, to signal their agreement. Do not escalate unless/until you hear the other person repeat “Once More, With Feeling!”


“Let’s Take Five!” - this is the call to indicate that whilst you do not wish to disengage from the scene entirely, you are veering too close to the threshold of someone’s comfort level - either slightly deescalating, changing the conversation topic or similar, (whilst continuing to interact with the person who has made this call) is the appropriate course of action if you hear this call. It is encouraged to echo the call of “let’s take five” to signify that you have heard and acknowledged that a boundary has been established, and not to push whatever led to the call any further.


“Cut!” - this is the call to indicate that something is wrong, someone is uncomfortable and whatever interaction that was ongoing must immediately cease, allowing the person who called “cut” to leave the area if needed. If, for any reason, you feel unable to call “Cut!” verbally, you can also hold a finger in the air (indicating that you are now out-of-character) and remove yourself from the situation, finding a “stage manager” (ref), First Aider or Mental Health First Aider as appropriate if required.

“Safety, Safety, Safety!” - this call is for physical injuries and hazards, such as an accidental weapons blow that is unsafe, someone’s glasses falling from their face, any unsafe terrain that action needs to move away from, or if someone is in danger of colliding with another player/crew member that they had not seen e.g. lying on the ground in the dark. If you hear the call “Safety, Safety, Safety!” you must freeze where you are and pause all roleplay and movement until a “stage manager” (ref) calls “Time in” again.

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