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“Yea, noise? then I'll be brief. O happy dagger!

This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die.”

~ Juliet, “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet” (1594)


Quick Reference Guide​

OC calls - Stage Manager (Ref) Only

  • Time In” - initiating/continuing the roleplay.

  • Time Freeze” - pause the game briefly - Roleplay will only continue when a Stage Manager calls “Time In” again.

  • Time Out” - ending the roleplay for the day (either until “Time In” again the next morning, or forever at the end of the game!)

  • Drop” - if you hear this call, you must immediately stop what you’re doing and fall to the ground, as if you are on 0HP, at which point the Stage Manager will brief you.

  • ...And Scene” - all MP and HP (if above 0HP) are refreshed to maximum.

OC Calls - Universal

  • Once More, With Feeling!” - Call to escalate the current scenario (eg conflict or intense/sensitive RP). Do not escalate unless/until you hear the other person repeat “Once More, With Feeling!”

  • Let’s Take Five!” - Call to de-escalate the current scenario, without disengaging from it completely. It is encouraged to echo the call of “let’s take five” to signify that you have heard and acknowledged this.

  • Cut!” - Call to disengage from the current scenario entirely - alternatively, you can always non-verbally hold a finger in the air and leave the area if needed.

  • Safety, Safety, Safety!” - Call for OC physical injuries/hazards - everyone must freeze where they are and pause all roleplay and movement until a Stage Manager calls “Time in” again.

  • Non-Com!” - Call to prevent accidental melee attacks on non-combatant targets.

    • Non-com target is reduced to 1HP and must leave the area of combat immediately.

    • If a player declares themselves non-com, they must remain so for the whole of the event unless otherwise agreed with a Stage Manager.

IC Combat Damage and Skills

  • All thrown, small and medium-sized weapons strike for 1HP (“single” does not need to be vocalised).

  • All large (two-handed) weapons strike for 2HP (“double” does not need to be vocalised).

  • Crafted explosives call “tick, tick, tick, tick, BOOM” (even if under “silence” effect, as this is an OC call, not a spell vocal):

    • everyone within a <1m radius of the bomb drops to -1HP

    • everyone within 1-3m radius of the bomb drops to 0HP - if already on 0HP, drop to -1HP.

    • everyone within 3-10m radius of the bomb will drop to 1HP - if already on 1HP, drop to 0HP.

    • Explosives cannot normally be Resisted.

  • “Holding Wounds” is a universal skill to pause a target on -1HP’s bleed count that does not require MP.

    • requires both hands at touch-range (hovering within ~30cm/1ft of the target)

    • does not require any spell vocals/can be used when under “Silence” effect.

    • if wounds no longer held, target’s bleed count resumes.

  • Moving an unresisting target (incl any character on 0HP or -1HP) is a universal skill that does not require MP.

    • does not require any spell vocals/can be used when under “Silence” effect.

    • requires use of two hands at touch-range (hovering within ~30cm/1ft of the target)

      • This can either be one person using both hands, or two people using their “main” hand, with the other free to parry.

    • must move slowly (about half-pace) unless two people are each using both hands to move target, in which case wounds are also held and can move normally.

  • Execute” is a universal skill - a target on 0HP or -1HP is permanently killed and cannot be revived.

    • Requires 30 seconds of uninterrupted roleplay

    • Cannot be called if under the “Silence” effect.

    • Can be delivered via melee blow for 0MP or as a touch-range spell for 1MP.

IC Spellcasting - Mechanics

  • Spells can never target oneself.

  • Cannot cast spells if under the “Silence” effect.

  • If a spell is accompanied by a weapon blow, this deals both the melee damage and the called effect:

    • Spellcasting by blow does not normally cost MP or require additional spell vocals (but still cannot be called if under “Silence” effect).

  • If casting at “Touch-Range”, hover your hand within ~30cm/1ft of the target:

    • Normally costs 1MP.

    • Should be accompanied by appropriate “spell vocals”.

  • If casting at “Distanced-Range” for a single target, there is no maximum “range” other than earshot/eyeline:

    • Normally costs 1MP.

    • Should be accompanied by appropriate “spell vocals”.

  • If casting at “Mass-Range”, either target ~3m/10ft in a given direction/indicated “arc”, or everyone within ~2m/6ft in all directions from the spellcaster:

    • Normally costs 3MP.

    • Should be accompanied by appropriate “spell vocals”.

IC Spellcasting - Calls

  • Resist” - target of an effect struck by blow can ignore the roleplay effect (but not normally the melee damage).

    • You cannot normally resist a touch-/distance-/mass-ranged spell vocal effect, any melee damage or a "Rend" call.​

    • Does not require additional spell vocals (counts as spell-casting by weapon blow).

  • Rend” - target loses 5HP. Cannot normally be resisted.

  • Fling” - target must immediately (safely) move away from the source of the Fling (around 3m/10ft).​

  • Bind” - target’s legs are frozen in place (may still fight/speak) for 10 seconds.

  • Heal” - every 10 seconds of appropriate spell vocals heals an unpoisoned target 1HP/10 secs.

    • Chanting to heal normally costs 1MP at touch-range no matter how many HP is healed, but if it is interrupted for any reason, it will take another 1MP to continue/begin the chant of healing again.​

  • Poison” - target cannot be healed until the poison is cured.

  • Detect Poison” - will tell you if a target is poisoned and, if it is an Advanced Poison, how to cure it.

  • Cure Poison” - cures target of ordinary poisons after 10 seconds of appropriate roleplay.

  • Silence” - target cannot make any vocal sound for 30 seconds.

  • Enthrall” - target must walk towards the caster as though in a trance, unable to speak or take offensive action. They are suggestible to minor instructions from the spellcaster, until either the target or spellcaster take damage, or 1 minute passes (whichever is sooner).


  • Each character may have a maximum of:

    • One personal lammie - this is attached to the character’s soul permanently.

      • Personal lammies will never have a white or black ribbon attached and will be clearly identified as personal lammies.

      • Personal lammies cannot be transferred; if the character dies, the lammie is lost.

    • One enchanted item attuned to their soul - these often have white or black ribbons attached.

      • Only characters whose fates are tied to comedy can use white-ribboned lammies; only characters whose fates are tied to tragedy can use black-ribboned lammies.

      • If a character’s fate changes and they are no longer able to use that item, they become unattuned from the item.

      • Character death and changes of fate are the only ways to unattune a character from their enchanted personal item.

      • Attunable item lammies will be clearly identified as such on the lammie.

  • Any lammies that do not count towards these maximums (e.g. denoting area effects or unattuned consumables) will be clearly stated as such on the lammie itself.

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